Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thank you

Lord, thank you. I am a new person today because of the works you have done in my life. Lord, Thank you. You have forgiven me, even though I am undeserving. Lord, thank you. I am filled with hope, that only comes from you, even though I doubted hope was possible. Lord, thank you. You breathed into me courage, when I could have hid in my fear, because I did not trust you fully. Lord, thank you. You have placed a desire in my heart to bend to your will, even though my emotions did not support my pleas to bend. Lord, thank you. You have been a shelter from the world, even when my actions were of this world. Lord, thank you. You have have been patient with me, even when I rebelled against your love and I could have been tossed from your sight. Lord, thank you. I am free from my bonds because you paid the price for my release.

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