Saturday, November 6, 2010


I want to live each day without regret. To tell my kids that I love them, that my world would be barren without them. To tell my family that I love them, I am not whole without them. To tell my friends that I love them, my world would be a garden of thistles not flowers without them.

I want to live each day without regret. To have integrity and compassion to those I meet along the path that is my life. To have the courage to accept without judging, empathy for those I do not understand, and love for those who the world think undeserving.

I want to live each day without regret. To say the words that need to be said, and to never hold back my feelings for fear of what I might be told in return.

I want to live each day without regret. Without fear. Without pain. Without sorrow.

With love. With hope. With energy. With faith. With pride. With respect.

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